In this post I will discuss a software to play different types of video files, whether it is formatted XviD, DivX, FLV1, AC3, OGG, MP4, H263, and much more. Maybe some of you all already have this software. The name of this software is Gom Player. Please be continued ...
If most of the media player can not play or run a video file that is not fully downloaded (corrupted index) because the Internet connection is lost, it has no effect with this software. Due to have been inserted Gom Player-enabled technology to play these files, even possible to run the video file being downloaded. You curious? Please click here for complete info. And click here if you want this software.

Gom Player supports SMI, SRT, RT, SUB (with IDX) files for subtitle. You can specify margin, location, size, resolution, font and others. You can also enable shadow, view ASF files with titles, karaoke subtitle mode. Even if you run a video file and the existing files with the same name in the directory, it will automatically be added to playlists. You can also enter and edit a variety of media formats that will be played on this software. Gom Player also allows you to create and edit your own multimedia playlist.

Also along with the various media formats such as AVI, MPG, DAT and MPEG, Gom Player also supports streaming Windows media format (WMV, ASF, ASX). You can also watch DVD-quality video with 5.1 channel audio output. You can also take a screenshot of the video being played directly from the software is Gom Player. Even if you use Burst Capture feature, you can take continuous screenshots up to 999 screenshots (Wow!).
Besides the things I mentioned above, there is more ya one of the advanced features of this software is that you can adjust the brightness, contrast and saturation. Repeating parts of your video with AB Repeat feature. Fast forward / rewind a few seconds using left / right keys. And one more, this software free... quickly to download here!
Hopefully well.
Rychan si bujang rantau nan indak pulang-pulang juo ka kampuang.
walau ora ngerti babar blas sama isi artikel ini. Bundo mau ngucapin Selamat menyambut Thaun Baru untuk Rychan sekeluarga. semoga di tahun depan semangat terus melakukan yang terbaik.
dan bundo mau ucapan terimakasih untuk link bundo yg ditaroh di sidebar. makaciy Rychaaann.
Hey Guys, use this best converter for one file to another file converting;
Solo File Converter
That will simply convert one file into another like those;
Flv to Avi
Avi to Mp3
Amr to Mp3
Vob to Avi
Mfx to Mp4
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